Hey, Mickey! » Taylor Jewel
When Jeremiah's best friend falls in love with Belly's best friend that doesn't want to admit to herself she might like her back.(Taylor Jewel x Fem!OC)cover by: -stilesmks…
When Jeremiah's best friend falls in love with Belly's best friend that doesn't want to admit to herself she might like her back.(Taylor Jewel x Fem!OC)cover by: -stilesmks…
Five years after Thanos snapped his fingers, and two months since she was brought back, Gwen finds herself trying to come back to her life like her family hadn't moved on without her and having to try to find her place on the world once again. (post Spider-man Far From Home)(Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy)cover by: luhvmae…
You hang the anchors over my neck, I liked at first but the more you laughed the crazier you looked(Rafe Cameron x fem!Oc)Cover by: k1llerszn…
E ele a amava. Como poderia não amar? Ela era tudo o que ele sempre quis, Elora era o que o mantinha são. Theon não se importava com o que havia acontecido, ela era pura e gentil - inocente - e ele queria protegê-la, mas...(theon greyjoy x stark!female oc)…
And he loved her. How could he not? She was everything he had ever wanted, Elora was what kept him sane. Theon did not care what had happened, she was pure and kind - innocent - and he wanted to protect her, but...…
A lei da retaliação, segundo a qual uma punição se assemelha à ofensa cometida em espécie e grau.(Sandor Clegane x Female!OC)capa por: @ivychaevy…
The law of retaliation, whereby a punishment resembles the offense committed in kind and degree.(Sandor Clegane x Female!OC)cover by: ivychaevy…
All three of us were drowning and we didn't know how to save each other, but there was an understanding we were all drowning together.(rafe cameron x oc)(eventual!jj maybank x oc)Cover by: k1llerszn1st in Ward Cameron (02/09/2023)1st in Rafe Cameron (03/12/2023)1st in Rudy Pankow (03/13/2023)1st in JJ (03/13/2023)…
Mas se você estiver bêbado demais para dirigir e a música estiver boa. Ela pode deixar você ficar, mas só por uma noite.eli "hawk" moskowitz x female!oc(pt-br)…
But if you're too drunk to drive and the music is right. She might let you stay, but just for the night.eli "hawk" moskowitz x female!oc(english version)…
"All I know, is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life. Got a feeling your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life and I want you now. Wanna need you forever"(Barry Rivers x fem!Maybank oc)…