Nautical Tales of Magic
There is rumor of a man who can bend the seas to his will with a passing thought. That this man stands at the bow of a ship larger than a palace, so deadly in passing only the ghosts of men can recall the size of its crew. They say he is dressed in velvet black, with gold garnishing the material in such intricate patterns only the sea sprites could have composed its mastery. More wilder tales depict his vessel guarded by sea-monsters on either side, leading his ship to mythical shores littered with rubies and silver. No one knows his true identity, so each rumor whispers a different name that suits the tale.In Evangeline Carmichael's homeland, they call him the Gilded Raven.But now she is far from home, deep in uncharted waters. And if a flag of black and gold is seen at the edge of the horizon, it doesn't quite matter what name is muttered under her breath. Whatever is whispered, it will be the last thing to leave her lips before she is struck down by his blade.Unless she is, in fact, the treasure he seeks.*A U T H O R ' S N O T EThis is my Nanowrimo for 2019 - so all updates will be coming over the course of this month. If you don't mind a few grammatical errors (as this will be my first draft) I'd love for you to join me on this journey. I've never published a Nanowrimo story, let alone simultaneously while I write. So, here goes nothing. Assuming updates will transpire every 2-3 days - depending on my word count goals.…