The Realm Protectors
please read (as of the moment the cover art is not mine I'll change it if or when u gems tell me you like this story.)anywaysthis is a pre view as of rn I will give you guys my lovely Lil gems mine and my friends story this is where I was created my past created by a wonderful person who has put their time and effort into this storyits characters ...everything Creating me,my friends, family, personalities everything from scratch. they use. place this as a safe haven for inspiration and to be completely free and rant judged for how they act and who they are in general. please give feed back on if you would like to see more of this story story that has a whole lot of thought and love put in to create everything .after two years of creating the main characters and making them all sorts of special. Different but yet the same this is the work of someone who has developed there characters and can tell you anything you would like to know about them. (and when she say anything she mean anything darkest secrets inspiration for characters there whole life story not one single detail left out, also ty sapph, I.L.Y,) your welcome creator also if you would like to see more let us know. (pssst.) what (I'd like to say I will make a ask and answers book along with truth or dare for these characters that I love so much, along with me as long as you don't ask for personal info, so hope you enjoy everyone and thank you for ur support even if it doesn't seem like ur not doing anything u r just for being here,a fellow fangender shipping weird and crazy people who just happen to be on this app, gtg bye my Lil gems) HEY THAT'S MY LINE!( I made you ur mine so its mine to just say bye to the lovely people)I DON'T CARE AND WILL NO-( SAPPHIRE GEM RAE STONE! MY PHONE IS AT 5% SO GODS HELP ME YOU DON'T SAY GOODBYE RIGHT NOW I'LL ERASE YOU FROM THE STORY)ok calm down hehehehek so BYE MY LIL SPARKLING GEMS see u next time~SAPPHIRE~ ( AND CREATOR) ~OUT~…