Does Wanting To Die Equal Losing Your Mind?
A collection of spoken words and poems…
A collection of spoken words and poems…
Natalie Albarn is a great girl. She's a dancer and well-liked at her school. Her older brother, Jimmy, is always there for her. Her dad isn't the nicest guy and that starts to get to her. Until Ana moves to school and tries her hardest to help Natalie. But is Ana really trying to help Nat or is Ana trying to help herself?…
Dean has always been a ladies man yet for some reason he never wants to stay with a girl. He figures it out when he finds a broken boy from a strict Christian family. He soon falls in love but things start to fall apart when his lover's younger sister falls in love with Dean. Destiel fanfic. AU. Takes place in high school.…
Putting all my supernatural oneshots here ! Feel free to request anything…
Nikka is in an emotionally compromising point in her life. She's young and trying to grow up faster than she can. When she catches the eye of a widely liked boy she feels like she is on the top of the world. But how will she feel when she's knocked back down?…
Third (and final? Not sure yet) in my Your Guardian Angel series. It's Kennedy Novak-Winchester's senior year of high school. Her whole life her family has looked up to her for being so strong. But after the recent rape by her long term boyfriend, his murder, her cousin's imprisonment, and the suicide of a good friend on top of frequent flashbacks of a previously abusive home. Kennedy starts to break and doubt the existence of love. That is, until she meets the new kid who shows her that life isn't about being afraid.…
Growing up as a teenage girl is difficult as it is. It's even harder with Dean Winchester as your over protective father and Castiel Novak as your other over protective father. Kennedy is just trying to fit in and grow up but has trouble doing so when her parents and uncle won't let her fight her own battles.…