Kintsukuroi (n.) (v. phr.) "to repair with gold"... the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. © prishwrites↗↘↗A bunch of happy-go-lucky friends end up getting sucked into the vortex called 'life'. Fighting, loving, hating. All because of one girl. But she's no newcomer! Instead, she's the one who binds the group together. Or so they thought?Y/n is just a girl who thought she was welcomed into this group of boys when even her kith and kin rejected her. But was she really? Or is there someone within this bunch of 7 guys who secretly hates her?▶▶▶most impressive ranking: #4 in bestseller on 12.08.2020achievements: first place winner in the OT7 category of "BTS Royalty Awards™| 2020" first place winner in the Whole Group category of "FIESTA || KPOP AWARDS"cover by the talented @/BEAUTAEFULCHERRY…