Pradyna - Marionette Of Destiny
I smiled picking up the two bangles and delicately fixed them around my wrists as Dharma placed a heavy embroidered dupatta on my head securing it in ease. You know when you realise you want to spend your lifetime with someone, you wish every second for that lifetime to start. The jittery sparkles erupted reminiscing about how he is so true to the one I always yearned for to be with.Gliding down the spiral staircase with one hand on the golden railings, I peeked through the sheer material of my veil. He was standing with a polite stance which made him even more charming in my view. I passed a soft smile towards him as I couldn't contain the excitement. He returned the same and slightly tilted to whisper something in the ears of another Prince who stood beside him. His younger brother, I suppose.After bowing down to seek blessings from my future in laws, I was made to sit down in my place. My peripheral vision gave a glimpse of Rajkumar making his brother sit beside me.Wait what! His brother, why is he making his brother seat next to me!!!Has there been a tradition to first exchange pleasantries with your future brother in law before with the groom himself? Or am I missing out on something very important?....Enjoy the Journey Of Pradnya and Siddharth........Mature Theme!!!Copyright ©2023…