Groom Change!
"Yeobo! Nak tahu sesuatu tak?""Nak! Apa? ""A happy marriage is all about of this three things. One, the memories of togetherness. Two, the forgiveness of mistakes and the third is a promise to never give up to each other. ""So? ""Kitalah pasangan yang dah kecapi 'Happy Marriage' tu. Sebab kita dah mengalami semua benda yang berada dalam luar jangkaan kita. ""Yeah~ Whatever! Yeobo pun nak bagitahu seseuatu dekat oppa ni! ""Yeke? Apa dia? ""Sometimes I really want to throw you of a cliff because I'm really hate you... ""Sampai hati yeobo nak buat macam tu dekat oppa? Yeobo dah tak sayangkan oppa ke? Nak merajuk agh macam ni! ""Sabarlah! Yeobo belum habis cakap lagi! ""Fine! Continue, please. ""But then I rush to the bottom to catch you just because of I love you oppa!! ""So sweet! I love you too my dear~"Thanks to @bunniehyunnie- @B's Graphic 2.0 for making a beautiful cover!…