Hetalia Roleplay
Admin: Welcome to the Hetalia Roleplay for my account with Austria & Estonia! More information will be inside!…
Admin: Welcome to the Hetalia Roleplay for my account with Austria & Estonia! More information will be inside!…
The Hanninozuka family has been helping the nations for as long as they have been established, supplying them with certain forces. With a new heir the haven't met just about to graduate high school, Austria and Germany arranged to have three nations attend the school to get to know him unprofessionally. How will the three nations react? What is going to happen? Is this going to be cliché?I can only answer the third, no.(More information in prologue!)…
Vell I heard zhat most people were doing zhis so I zhought I should to.…
I hear zhat a lot of jou have very veird 'ships' for example; Pruaus...a jou kidding me? Me and zhe idiot? Just ask and I'll tell jou vhat I zhink of zhe ship. Admin: So you guys understand? Good.…
I'm assuming zhat jou must vant to ask me questions, due to zhe 'popularity' of zhese books.Admin: He knows you probably will dare him to do something he wouldn't like, so please be mindful.…