I got tagged lmkdftewavjlcjh
blehjtscnzread it if u want to....whatever....•√•. °π°. -_-. '~|~'. :/ =_=am I the only one who likes these emoticons???#_#UwU…
blehjtscnzread it if u want to....whatever....•√•. °π°. -_-. '~|~'. :/ =_=am I the only one who likes these emoticons???#_#UwU…
I don't know.. just some poetic words spilling in a flurry ...a random rare n reserved happening...Ever felt like there is too much I can't say..too much to express...too much to vent ...too much to explore....it's just that too much... probably sitting quietly in the back of our heart ...ur mind..ur soul...Words can't express all....just scratching the surface here ....after all, it's too much...too deep...n I'm afraid to drown.........................................................................#1. Feel the vibes ...#2. Just wondering#3. Another day began#4. Just a thought#5. Said#6. Fake bold#7. The colors of our life #8. Castle of glass…