Rants and completely random stuff
Hi, I'm el, and I've been wanting to do this for a while now, but right now is the first time in a while I felt like it, so yeah. This will contain art, dreams, depression, rants and stupid crap that's happened.…
Hi, I'm el, and I've been wanting to do this for a while now, but right now is the first time in a while I felt like it, so yeah. This will contain art, dreams, depression, rants and stupid crap that's happened.…
These are a bunch of Poems...not much else to say...I might also upload some of my artwork sometimes...…
Pictures of my dog…
This is a one-shot that takes place after the Heros of Olympus and before the Trials of Apollo. I wrote this a while ago, when my writting style was still developing, so please don't hate. This storys theme has been done before *cough* Annabeth stinks *cough* but I would like to think that it is not similer enough to any other story to be copywrited. Sorry for the inconvinece of spelling or grammer mistakes, or just a crummy plot. Now, on with the show! (Also sorry to anyone with the name of Owen/Long/Owen Long)…
This is a One-Shot about Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch. This is basically what I think happend to Wanda after MoM. (It was horrid what the director of that movie did to Wanda.) Also this story contains spoilers for, Age of Ultron, Civil War, Infinity Wars, Endgame, WandaVision, or any of the such.…