Chasing Cars
After phone call in the middle of the night, Natasha finds herself in the hospital. Faced with an accident in the Barton family, Natasha is forced to make a decision that she hoped she would never have to go through with.…
After phone call in the middle of the night, Natasha finds herself in the hospital. Faced with an accident in the Barton family, Natasha is forced to make a decision that she hoped she would never have to go through with.…
Clintasha + Some Stucky AU: The Avengers are celebrating New Years Eve at Natasha's apartment. During the celebrations, as all the Avengers are socializing and celebrating, old memories are brought up. As the New Year approaches, Natasha finds herself reflecting upon her past, missing old friends, yet finding joy in new ones. This goes along with my current Clintasha fanfiction, Dear Agony, but I wanted to publish it on it's own, because it can stand alone as a story. This story will be a chapter in my larger fanfiction, if you would like to check that out a head of time, it might make some plot points more clear. But, it is not necessary to read Dear Agony to understand this. Just know, there is more story that goes behind these "past" events, and if you would like more clarity on those, be sure to check out my other fic.…
Clintasha based AU. Its now a year after Hydra infiltrated Shield and the now married couple, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, find themselves constantly battling Hydra, and doing all it takes to save Shield and each other. After a mission gone terribly wrong, they find themselves separated and heartbroken. While one is killed, the other is left to cope and live on without the other.…
Original Story Summary: Clintasha AU: Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton have been married for three years now, and yet continue to work together as active Avengers. When a simple mission turns to tragedy, both of their lives are put in grave danger. When Clint makes a fatal decision to try and save Natasha, they find both they find themselves separated by forces neither of them can controlI have gone back and edited some of the old chapters of this fanfiction because I have been writing it for over a year. I have fixed both the grammar and spelling, as well as changing some parts of the story to make it flow better as a story. I've also added some parts to each edited chapter. While when I edit the chapters I replace them in my current story, only the edited chapters will be put on this story, so fans of the original fic can be updated when there is a new edited chapters. You can find the whole story ( including old unedited chapters ) on my story titled "Dear Agony". I will eventually have old chapters edited and put here. Edited Chapters: 1-5…
Clintasha Wedding AU "I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words. How wonderful life is while you're in the world" - Elton John After nearly 4 years of having feelings for one another, Clint and Natasha are wed privately on the coast of Oregon. Their wedding while reserved, will be a night neither of them forget. A night in which they are more than just assassins, but start a life together.…
Steggy One-Shot…
Civil War One Shot || When Natasha chooses to try and play two sides, she finds herself faced with devastating consequences, especially when it comes to her friendship with Clint Barton. Named after the song Iridescent by Linkin Park. Warning: Heavy Angst/Sadness, Not a Happy Ending, and Major Character Death…
After the outbreak of Civil War heroes are forced to choose sides. Clint Barton sides for anti registration with Captain America, but his best friend Natasha sides with Tony Stark, pro registration. When the two confront each other on the battlefield, they both will come to regret many of their decisions. After learning today that Natasha and Clint are confirmed to have a fight in the new Captain America Civil War movie, as they are on opposite sides, I was very upset as a Clintasha shipper. This is a small story of how I would like for the whole idea of Natasha and Clint fighting each other to go. It's a very small fanfiction, that I was just writing to get my emotions/angst out, but I ended up making this "decent" enough to upload.…
A series of vignettes following the various Hunger Games characters after the Rebellion is won. Katniss Everdeen struggles with adjusting back into everyday life, suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and depression. Yet, it's not just Katniss who faces daily challenges, despite the fight being won. Exploring the suffering and joys of the days, months, and even years after the Rebellion. Looking into each of these's characters' lives as they fight to move on, yet never forget.…
Clintasha AU One Shot: During Natasha's first 3 months of being a SHIELD agent she attends a SHIELD dinner and dance event. Not knowing anyone and feeling extremely out of place the Ex Russian Assassin debates leaving when she runs into someone who would continue to change her life.…