The Whisker & Us
A cat.A cat?Why the hell do I need to save a cat?I am not even fond of cats, to begin with. I mean, yeah, they are cute and all. But they can also be dangerous. Who knows what viruses and diseases they bring that could harm us, humans. Above all that, saving a cat that holds the key to humanity?I must be freaking delusional. But..... As much as I do not want to believe it, that is what happens to me now. This cat brings me to someone that I never thought I could meet. The only person who would believe all these unusual things that are happening to me. Mark, if you are reading this, I need you to know that I love you. I know you are mad at me for writing this story about us coz no one believes us. But this has to be told to the world. At least, they can enjoy the story even though they do not believe it. .....Right....?"You're dumb""I know...""You're a psycho""....I know""You're mine""Eh? Umm, I know??""I love you more""I love you more""Forever""Forever"…