Question and answer
Okay i will be nice and answer your questions…
Okay i will be nice and answer your questions…
Here are the characters Nightmare freddy Nightmare bonnie Nightmare Nightmare fredbear nightmare chikaNightmare foxy Ask them anything questions dair no cussing dairs…
hi my name is weed and I have a crush on jerome but I do not know if he loves me back…
hi everyone my name is weed ask me anything ok maybe I can do some dairs with everyone…
Kurama ask or dair us anything we dair you 123456789 and 10 tails pov yes we dair you…
hi everyone it me alex dair me and marty and we will do it no matter what promise…
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this is how 2 dogs fell in love…
It was a peaceful day the paw patrol got dair by Ryder to tell who they love ryder: I love Katie sky your turn sky : I love rubble rubble blushes sky chase your turn sorry my chapter short it be longer in the next chapter Who dose chase love tell me in the comment section below I tell you in the next chapter wo do you love chase…