My Stalker (MJ story)
This is my first story!! Don't judge Larry and Laurent are very close brothers and always by each other side. Laurent tells Larry to keep a promise that they would never fall apart. Soon Larry finds Jade and falls deeply in love with her but Laurent knows she only faking love for his brother just for money. Is Larry breaking the promise are they falling apart. Read more to find out!…
This man has shocked his family in disbelief that he has died. For an entire year his family were still an shock mode, just imagine how the people who knew him would take it , just imagine his family and his kids.... Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson were heart broken to hear that their father has died. Nothing can make it better than to have their father back by their side. The kids 2 years later had to sadly move to an orphanage home because their family was wayyy to busy to take care of them . Let's say 5 months later, the kids hated the orphanage! They didn't like it one bit. They couldn't stand how the kids made fun of them, and tease them, and bully them, when most of them are in the same place as them for the same reason.. They couldn't stay in that place for one moment. They just wanted, wished, and hoped for their dad to come back and come rescue them from this nightmare In the south side of California, a rich man name June, short for Junior who has a wife, who can't have kids, no matter how hard and long they tried.. Until one day they decided to adopt a kid even if it's not the same. What happens when they adopted THREE kids instead of one? What happens when June pays more attention to the kids than his wife? Find out in the story ❤️❤️❤️Love y'all PEACE ✌️…
Laurent and Larry are identical twins from Paris, France. This two can do anything together and would do anything for each other. Larry and Laurent are like one of the cool guys in school, because of their many many many talents and the amount of girls they get. Laurent aka Lau loves his brother with all his heart and would never do anything to hurt him, he shows his love by hugging his brother and talking non stop about his adorable twin.... Larry and Lau are having such a good bond and life that nothing can't take it away...... EHHHHHHH!!! Wrong!! One day Lau discovers that he has weird feeling with his twin, he never had these type of feelings before not even towards a girl. He soon starts to fall deeply in love with Larry and get nervous around him every time. He don't know what happen and how he got these feelings and don't know how to get them to go away, or how he's going to tell his family.... And his brother....... Find out more in the story, hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️ BYEEEEEEEE!!! ❤️❤️❤️r…
If you read Never Fall apart then you are finally ready for the second part called Try Harder Or Die Harder...This second part is about how Larry's daughter who can now talk English and is way older now and Lau take on the world and the bad guys. The first part which is coming soon .... So my advice is read Never Fall Apart before you read this if you are visiting my stories LOVE YALL Byeeeee!!!…
HAAAIIII this is a new story I'm about to do and I hope you like it!!A 10 year old girl by the name Andreanna was stranded on the streets of Paris, France since her mom kicked her out for being so called disrespectful. Her mom is a drug addict and didn't want anything to do with Andreanna. She also is a drinker, who doesn't care if Andreanna Is looking at her or not, she actually doesn't give two fucks about her. Andreanna was only 7 when her mother kicked her out and sent her to live on the streets, Andreanna had been really lonely and doesn't have any friends or someone to love her, she is a fearless young girl who not afraid of anything but getting hurt and being alone for the rest of her life.Everytime she sees a family she smiles at the family and soon cry wishing her family was like that. Sometimes when it gets cold and windy or she is hungry she knocks on people doors and ask if she can have something to eat or stay the night, but they only think that she is being forced to do something, or they just won't let her in because they don't trust her.She don't know who her father is and really never saw him in her life time and she wishes she can see him so they can be a happy family and fix her mommy. But there was this man who did look a lot like her but she wasn't so sure that a FAMOUS dancer could be her dad.Larry Bourgeois is a twin to Laurent Bourgeois and also are famous dancers, they live in this HUGE mansion in Paris, France and living life good and having a bunch of women in their house partying and clubbing and working and playing and goofing around with each other ya know just the usual. I mean nothing can go wrong right? EHHHHHHH as soon as Laurent open the door to a little soft knock their whole life change...... Find out more in my book Unknown Daughter HOPE YOU LIKE IIIIITTTTT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️…