Grojband Season 2 (collaboration with coreyriffinrulez)
Here is Grojband season 2! There will be many OC's. Adventures, Humour and Shippings! (collaboration with coreyriffinrulez)…
Here is Grojband season 2! There will be many OC's. Adventures, Humour and Shippings! (collaboration with coreyriffinrulez)…
There's a second book. Yup.…
Hey it's Laney and Larry, we're here to answer your questions and we also accept dares. P.S don't tell our bands.…
I interview all of the cast of Grojband, even Trina will be there. Each interview I will pinpoint a person to give the most terrible question and dares, so bring in your votes for who you wanna pinpoint also bring in questions and dares.…
Some one-shots of all the characters of grojband…
It was a normal mission. Just like what they had to do everyday. Go to another dimension. And save it from Rippen. Simple as that. But this dimension was different from the others...... will Penn, Boone and Sashi save it before Rippen takes over? Or will he finally become a full-time villain?…
This is the book where I talk about absolutely anything! You can request for random stories and drawings, memes, I can give you random questions and I talk about random stuff.…
When Tom and Ludo make a deal suiting their own benefits. Marco starts acting weird and suddenly he has powers! Can Star figure out and stop what's taking over his best Earth friends or will things be changed forever?…
Grojband is a TV show which lot's of people really like. Ever wondered why Grojband never got a new season? This is a collab story written by me and @FangirlsAreNormal, she has the pictures while I have the words.…
Once Kin and Kim create separate inventions that somehow fuse together, it creates havoc over Peaceville, Grojband and the Newmans have to work together. But they first have work through the inventions' trouble first.…
Just some Grojband memes, I hope you like them.…
This not an official movie, if there was a movie I think it should be like this. Summary- This takes place after 'Hear Us Rock.' Everything goes fine until Laney starts acting weird, she is not her normal sarcastic self. Will the band find out what's wrong before it's too late? Why is Katrina involved in this? Will the Newmans appear out of nowhere? Who knows read to find out.…