Seven Minutes In Heaven : Death Note
GREETINGSI love Death Note... don't you?Well... here goes nothing.Nothing but the feeling of awkwardness while I write this. hahaWait ok forgot what I was going to dowith this description.So basically seven minutes in heaven is like this game... with making out (wait no. not necessarily)... and stuffsss.... if you really like Death Note then read this.... uhhh... I'm awkward. sorry ⊙﹏⊙ I'm pretty sure I might screw up everything. Oh well. I give you permission to yell at me. (wait no I take that back. I might cry (ಥ﹏ಥ) )At this point, I'm taking requests for any of the Death Note characters you want me to write about. Happy reading, and stuffs...•ᴥ• *I don't own any Death Note characters (many wish we did... heh heh) or the photos for that matter*…