Forgot to Shave
You FORGOT to shave. And before you try to shave, Jack shows up at your house 💀 (Jack Spooky Month x Male reader because GAY PEOPLE RULE 🇺🇸🇺🇸🗣️🗣️🔥🔥)…
You FORGOT to shave. And before you try to shave, Jack shows up at your house 💀 (Jack Spooky Month x Male reader because GAY PEOPLE RULE 🇺🇸🇺🇸🗣️🗣️🔥🔥)…
What if someone was in the same room as Zachary when he played the cursed Godzilla game?(Aka a male reader insert fic where Zach and [Name] both face the horrors that show up in NES Godzilla Creepypasta)…
A dead Vietnam veterans nephew posts a very... very concerning journal. Sharing the tragedies of the war and the horrors of an NES Godzilla game.(Also a VERY long NES Godzilla No Longer Alone one shot that's a complete prequel.)…
Patty sits in the snow and Lila gets super concerned about it.(This is literally a Valentine's Day Special featuring Dead lavender because based.)…
Kevin becomes president instead of Trump or Kamala, that's literally it.ALSO YAOI 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🥵🥵🥵💀…
A smokeydonuts prompt fill I did for my English class. That's literally it.…
Patty always hated Thanksgiving. She never liked it. But when Lila invites her to thanksgiving dinner. She couldn't do anything but accept.(Aka Thanksgiving special from AO3 that I posted AHHH-)…
Zachary FINALLY realizes that [Name] made posts documenting the experiences they both had with the cursed NES Godzilla game. And then some chaos ensues.(Takes place like three years after NES Godzilla No Longer Alone)…
(I didn't make that sh#t post cover sadly. It belongs to whoever made it)[Name] hates college. Like a lot, and wants to go to sleep. But a certain someone decided to visit him.(College AU too because why not?)…
Lila has been through a lot since her husband died. Now she's a single mother in this weird town. But there was no way she could recover properly from such a tragic event.(Aka a bunch of Lila angst. Takes place before the series and then after Hollow Sorrows)…
To celebrate the new year, I decided to make characters from the two fandoms I'm on obsessed with the most rn (Spooky Month and NES Godzilla Creepypasta) to kill each other. Also it features Donald Trump (I'm sorry)…
Jack has been a number one hater of himself, and John begins to notice it.(AKA a bunch of Jack angst with a fluffy smokeydonuts ending)…
[Name] posts random filler yapping about news and goofy ahh experience he had with Zachary.(Basically a one shot that takes place in the same AU as NES Godzilla: No Longer Alone with cuddling for some stupid reason 💀)…
(Art belongs to Sr. Pelo himself. I wish I was joking.)Kevin's working at New Year's Eve. But something very weird and GAY happens.…
[Name] is a gas station worker and he just had a VERY awful day. Like he hated it. But soon he has a very intimate experience with his "friend," Kevin.(Kevin x Male Reader fluff)…
[Fanart doesn't belong to me. It belongs to whoever made it.]Deimos finds [Name] stabbing himself like an emo and stops it.(Made for Madness Day since I'm late AF 💀)…
(Fanart doesn't belong to me. Credit to whoever made this)The Postal Dude has another one of his issues. So his BF Ruv tries to help him out.…
(ART DOESN'T BELONG TO ME! IT BELONGS TO THE GUY WHO MADE IT.)Kevin's been having... strange nightmares as of recently. And he's been freaking out because someone he's love the most was injured bad recently. But he gets a sudden surprise.(Candybatz fic AHHHHHHH!)…
You quit your job at the local police to kill cultists because why the hell not? But that's when you have a weird encounter with one of your friends at that's still in the cops side.(John Spooky Month x Male reader AHHHH)…
Wars don't change. Not even if you're an immortal hillbilly soldier wanting to kill every enemy of America you can find.Hillbilly McGee (Or MaGee, who knows) has been serving the Marines and Army since the Civil War. But since then he had to deal with a monster disguising itself as human. A monster that kills for fun and thrill. And no matter where he goes... McGee is cursed with fighting this monster.…