Ophelia | Orpheus mulciber
In which the pure blooded death eater Orpheus mulciber becomes infatuated with a half blood witch..…
In which the pure blooded death eater Orpheus mulciber becomes infatuated with a half blood witch..…
I'll come and find you...Amazing cover by zmbie_star…
Mira is having an average 16th birthday, at least as average as you can have on Halloween, until her grandma brings out her cake with 16 black candles in it, when she blows them out her sunny birthday quickly becomes more grim...…
In which I give plots in hope that anyone else can write it while I can't…
In which you end up traveling to the cartoon universe...…
In a parallel universe where Shonee didn't ignore her intuition and played her hidden immunity idol..…
You end up trapped in comics...…
No one knew that he had powers and soon at the Halloween dance he'll show them how special he is and anyone who had hurt him would pay..…
"Your first mistake was rejecting me..."…
An alternate version of disney's recess, where it's a horror show, tag along with the recess kids as they encounter spooky things.Cover by obliviouse27…
My amazing genderbend plots that needs to be written…
In which I give plots in hope that anyone else can write it while I can't…
She was an addiction he needed...…
"What part of love don't you understand..."…
I'll die peacefully on Halloween...…
I hate the chamber of secrets version of tom riddle!!!…