Idyllic Ruin | ONC 2025
Starling Byrne is tired. Tired of living in the city of Idyll, where everything is perfect - if you stay in line and don't speak out against its tyrannical leader and his android army. Determined to make a difference, Starling deserts her position in the strict, highly revered Idyllic Regiment and steals an object that might be the key to dismantling the dystopic way of life once and for all-if the broken android in her escape car doesn't get in her way.___Written for ONC 2025. Keep in mind that since this is a contest entry, this is an unedited draft and, as such, there may be some grammatical errors I've missed.This story was inspired by the following prompt:70. After stealing something vital from the city, you flee in a car, only to find a discarded human-like android in the back seat. The android has a critical flaw - and you must protect it from those who want it back.…