Fears and Love-Harrisco. The Flash
Cisco's fears become noticed by his boyfriend Harry.This was written yeaaaaaaaaaars ago, so sorry about mistakes and lack of canonicity around the series present lore…
Cisco's fears become noticed by his boyfriend Harry.This was written yeaaaaaaaaaars ago, so sorry about mistakes and lack of canonicity around the series present lore…
Aquí está, la versión en español de mi historia; "I Was On The Bus When I Got A Message" Después de la muerte de Amber, Wilson estaba destrozado. La mujer que amó en reemplazo de "esa" persona, dueña de su corazón, se había ido. Sólo en el autobús, recibió un mensaje de esa persona a la que no le podía hablar en el momento…
Once upon a time, there was a king.Known for his beauty and great power, his red hair and dark brown eyes which symbolizes him as the true sovereign of this kingdom. However, this strong and powerful man was far from perfect.He was always crying.…
Edward Elric, a teenager full of hormones and Scar, an ishbal survivor and state-alchemist killer that has now felt what urges are like. They, with the same sad eyes can look at each other and feel connected, what is going to happen?…
After the death of Amber, Wilson was destroyed. Alone in the bus, he got a message from the person he didn't wanted to talk at the moment. Someone he couldn't talk with now.…