The Words Between Us
In the tranquil countryside of rural Shiga, Mia Naples finds solace from the hustle and bustle of city life as a first-year JET program teacher. With her focus on teaching, she definitely doesn't plan to look for, let alone find romance. But when Mia is paired with Naoki, a reserved Japanese student, for tutoring sessions, their initial meetings are marked by tension and misunderstanding. It takes everything in Mia to focus on the extra money their sessions bring her each month and not the frustrations that she vents to her roommate. Then things start looking up; as cultural barriers are taken down and Naoki starts taking his English learning seriously, Mia begins to see her elusive student in a new light.Meanwhile, Mia's charismatic coworker at the English academy, Javad, keeps Mia sane with his playful charm and magnetic personality. Spending time with both of them has Mia torn between the mystery and novelty of Naoki and the allure of Javad's adventurous spirit. As Mia's heart becomes more entangled in a web of conflicting feelings, she must choose between romance and the stability of her career. Will she decide to follow her heart or choose the safer path, and which one will offer her true happiness?…