K I jus wanted tah say. I used a fake gmail so I cant text rip. And my hear is larger then my IQ. You could prolly tell because of my grammar. hah. hh. hah. Why have drama wen u can have a lama. I hav decided to be nyce :") dats rite hoes. im becoming jolly ol saint Nicolas acsept Im not jolly And i fuking hate christmas. From now on I shalt not insult people. Uhm, starting in 10 years hell to teh fuk no. Im an asshole for leife guys. Ik what ur thinking "oml look at dis hypocrite tiny cock fagget!" Well shut the fuk Up. U hoe. anyways. My acc is as dead as me on the inside and shoutout to my bff amy for being quel asf. If you have red this far without chugging down a bottle of bleach due to my cancerous style of typing.... congratualtions U have made it trou the shittiest storie on wattpad :') ROUND OF A DIGITAL PLAUSE !!!!!!. K idk how to end this storie. S uhhhh... uhm.a wise man/ woman idk whoch gender it was she says she is uni sex she got special snowflake syndrome. dam thumblir ppl. anyways.il end this with an inpiration quote. a wise heshe once told me fuck bitches and get no money because no one wants to fuck u and u would have to pay to fuk ppl becuz ur ugly asf. uh so yah. Bye. y r u still reading this bruh. this acc sucks more cok then a prostitiute. Idk how to spell that. K LEAVE. go. stawp reading this shitty stor…