FAKE MAGIC; rants + tags
miscellaneous .spoilers ahead !…
miscellaneous .spoilers ahead !…
UNDER EDITINGA book in which you'll be introduced to several new face claims [or not]…
'YOUR FAVE IS PROBLEMATIC'exposing celebrities [not in a ricegum way] + moremay contain spoilers…
UPDATINGA book in which you will be introduced to several new face claims [or not]…
" what do you mean nobody's perfect? "…
*insert inspirational quote…
efflorescence;(n.) [ef-luh-res-uhns]1. a state or time of flowering2. a gradual process of unfolding or developing.*•⋆⋅∘∗.*⋆∘⋅⋙MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS…
" thantophopia " (n.) the fear of losing someone you loveCHARACTER DISCLAIMER; Rosita Espinosa, Abraham Ford and Eugene Porter do not belong to meMATURE CONTENT; violence, gore, language, mature themes, sexual references, possible sex scenes*editing…