Alternate version of weekend write-in for Sept 11 prompt - end -SPOILER ALERT!Does this alternate version of - Suicide Note? - reflect what the boyfriend was really thinking?Which of the two notes did he leave at the crime scene?…
Alternate version of weekend write-in for Sept 11 prompt - end -SPOILER ALERT!Does this alternate version of - Suicide Note? - reflect what the boyfriend was really thinking?Which of the two notes did he leave at the crime scene?…
500 word weekend write-in for September 11, 2020 - prompt word -end-Something's not write about this suicide note…
100 word epilogue to "One (Fatal) Step Back" using a variant of the prompt word 'step'…
By popular demand, for those who were looking for a conclusion to the first story, "One (Fatal) Step Back," here is my second submittal for the September 4 weekend write-in prompt 'step.' And, yes, I used the 'step' prompt again in this little sequel (and hopefully, conclusion).…
500 word weekend write-in for -step- September 4, 2020I inadvertently used a MacGuffin, or something like it, in this detective story.…
500-word weekend write-in for "quality" - 8/28/2020Ironically, not my best write-up, but this is why I'm hesitant to buy a new car, not to mention $$$$$$.SPOILER ALERT - At least no one dies!…
A dark 500 word story for mature audiences. I wasn't sure I even wanted to publish this. It's not really my style.Republished and slightly rewritten for the weekend write-in prompt *tangle* for August 27, 2021…
For anyone who misses real summer and real baseball, this is a short poem I wrote last July - before the COVID crap!…
weekendwritein for August 14 - mistake - What happens when there is a mistake? I wanted to try a couple of different things this week. One of which was to write in the first person feminine. The other...well, you'll see for yourself. (slightly revised Aug 20, 2020)…
100 word drabble…
500 word weekend write-in for "date"…
100 word diatribe using the prompt "confusion" for the weekend write-in of July 31, 2020…
COVID-19 Joke (in 50 words)…
A 500-word story about a cunning employee who desperately tries to get out of a dreaded responsibility - I had this story on the back burner for a while, but this week seems to be an appropriate time for me to release it.…
My insipid drabble this week using the word 'crooked' is a 100-word nursery rhyme.NOTE: As indicated by the title, this rhyme (like many old nursery rhymes) may not be politically correct!…
Weekend Write-In for Jul 03 2020"agree": In 500 words, or 100 words, tell what happens when there is agreement…
500word weekend-write-in story for "direction" - tell what happens when the direction changes…