my drawings
hi I am a loner wanting to be a good time to be a good time to be a lot of these fake relationships lately I've been in my eyes lol but I don't think it's all done…
yeppppppp I ship it I ship it I ship it all around you can't see me fan girling cuz I'm shipping it right now mangle qwin…
he he hou. heu…
these are what they are…
gov shhhhhhhh c.f.r hrdhdgsbfhdg c.f. ft shhhhhhhh 12th Dr hedge XD…
we got more dares…
I like dares XD…
this is really sad read if you dare…
My fave character is funtime freddy so DON'T MAKE FUN AT ALL OR I WILL HATE U!!!!!!!…
you like foxy right or bonnie other wies puppet ? maybe u hate all but just read this book and what it looks like is the bottom…
it's a good book just read it ( it says friken sorry)…
this is my love story of how I am a loner wanting a boy friend…
I am a single girl who wants a boyfriend…
so yeah mangle x foxy great story they do not know how it all came down my life it's sad but true…
this fangle story that I made is based on horrorit s a good story sad happy scary…
the foxy x mangle story says that this is sadist most longest fangle book ever…