The cursed skywing:
Go on @moonbli4thewin for dusks p.o.v…
Go on @moonbli4thewin for dusks p.o.v…
You probably aren't reading this description but if you are let me tell you that this army is amazing. if you disagree well then I don't know what to say about that. I'm just saying that army is the biggest ever and it will grow bigger. This army has a-lot of beautiful people in it. They are beautiful on the inside and out, in my opinion. This army does does not fight neither is it related to kpop group known as bts. If you are still reading this let me tell you, you're welcome I've successfully wasted your time.…
look at piggy9000 for dusk's p.o.v…
A sandwing named Obsidian gets placed into a winglet and a certain dragon catches his eye, little does he know she's under a curse.This Story is in Obsidian P.O.V…
Clearsight and Darkstaker never had dragonets but somehow there dragonet from a different future ended up in jade mountain academy.…
Karen really likes corn dogs…