The 365 Days of Us [ r e w r i t i n g ]
*Cringes* I'm rewriting this story at the moment, so check that one out if you were thinking of reading this cheesiness overload- it's called 'The Stars in Her Eyes' -that is all c:•••It must have been a surprise to Tamara Lovell when a stranger helped her through a- well, painful circumstance. And what must have been an even bigger surprise was when he appeared inside of her house only a week later, and a friendship soon followed.But the biggest surprise of all was the incoming bombshell that would disperse between them; a bombshell of love. Because as the year they had together slowly began to come to an end, it seemed as if neither of them could control the blossoming romance between them.It was love that had been watching since the day they met... and it had been waiting to reveal itself, once their two ignorant souls were aware of its presence. This was the kind of love that would last forever, plus infinity; and the basis of their story that would never fade.…