Tadashi Returns - A Big Hero 6 Fanfiction
Tadashi Hamada wakes up in a hospital bed with little recollection of what happened to get him there. Many question arise; How did they rescue him? How is he alive? What is his life going to be like after becoming an amputee? Is his life ever going to be the same?Hiro's relief was beyond words when he saw his brother awake and well in front of him. However, Hiro's realistic nature takes the joy out of this occasion when his brain induces his heart to believe a harsh reality; the Hamada family's life will never be the same again. Despite the well intentioned efforts of his friends and brother, Hiro's true feelings are solidly caged away. Tadashi is determind to not give up, to find his place again in the world, and to heal the seemingly damaged relationship with his brother. How long will this take? Only time will tell. A BH6 AU.…