Wanted For Pleasure: vol 4
After three years of trial and error, Chris and Morgan are now committed to giving the "normal" life a try.Old habits die hard, though, which they come to find out when trouble inevitably finds them. Sweeping things under the rug, the couple just wants to be average, not the criminal deviants who their inquisitive neighbor makes them out to be. Morgan, not used to people not liking her, tries to prove herself to the haughty wife of the local sheriff, but winds up digging a hole she can't get out of so easily.The standoffish housewife makes sure to keep a close eye on the couple which helps Morgan keep her mind off of her suddenly angsty Mother-in-law. As the wedding approaches and Morgan prepares to carry a baby, Mary has her doubts about her son's relationship. After a near divorce, Mary doesn't want him to make the same mistakes she did. So, she does what she can to try and convince her son to not rush down the aisle, but it almost risks her relationship with him instead. Bonding with his now sober father over, Chris has troubles adjusting to the slower-paced lifestyle. The workaholic faces a hard time when he trades in the late nights for wedding planning and Mommy and Me classes. Though things seem perfect, the passionate couple can't shake that sense of impending doom.Did they cross their T's and dot ALL of their I's?Morgan's taken out of the game given that she's expecting, but will Chris just sit on the sidelines if his turbulent past threatens to disturb his newfound utopia and wreck his happy home? Chris won't go down without a fight. The question is how far will he go to make sure this is finally over?…