Lady Hell
Where's the line between justice and revenge?For more than 300 hundred years, firebeasts have plagued the lands of Brinelm, burning whole cities to the ground with their attacks. It's only thanks to the technological advances of the Guild and the courage of the Watch Scouts that the people have been saved from the flames of the beasts.When Helena, a lieutenant of the Watch, finds evidence that higher ranking officers of the Watch have been manipulating the firebeasts for their own gain, she is determined to bring them to justice. Her integrity comes with a heavy cost however, and she soon finds herself on the wrong side of the nation's judgment. Cast out and hated for crimes that were never hers.Determined to see justice, Helena assembles a motley band of fellow outcasts and petty criminals who can all rally around one shared goal - expose the deceit of those who would use the threat of the beasts for their own gain.But as the truth of the firebeasts becomes more evident, and the likelihood of success begins to dwindle, Helena's determination for justice begins to look more and more like a desperation for revenge.Where is the line between justice and revenge? At what point on a hero's journey do they become just another monster out for blood? And if that line is crossed, is there any hope for redemption?…