Ask Clarisse La Rue
That's right, you read it correctly. Here's how it's going to go down. You ask me a question, I answer that question, and then we move on. Easy to understand? Good. So apparently these 'ask whoever' things are good for business. Let's test that theory shall we? How many arguments do you reckon it'll start? That's one thing I can't wait to find out. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-||Thank you for clicking on this story. If you did, I'm guessing you're curious to find out things from Clarisse's perspective. How does she see the Camp and it's campers? What does she do while the seven are out questing? You may find the answers here, or you may be the one to ask her. This whole story from here on out will be in the perspective of Clarisse La Rue. If anything offends you then I apologise, but to be truthful, Clarisse most likely offends a lot of people. This is purely based on my opinion and in no way do I own any characters mentioned. All places and people belong to the fabulous troll Uncle Rick.||Enjoy.…