Camp Half-Blood
Watch what happens when Starling arrives at Camp-Half Blood…
Watch what happens when Starling arrives at Camp-Half Blood…
Hundreds of years after the long life's of Hermione Granger, Ron Weasly and Harry Potter, Kate Rodgers is born of the wizard Ronald Rodgers and his lovely wife Sarah Rodgers. Kate is now thirteen and it's time for her first year of hog warts, in which has an all new staff since Harry Potter's bunch. Kate is just a young witch, and ready for a little adventure, which is certainly coming.…
This is one of random ideas , turned into a book. Have a good day, and live a little._Willow_-…
Lizabeth Thunders was born and raised on Snowfall Ranch. and she wouldn't have it any other way. But when a drought strikes the ranch, prices start getting higher and horses start getting unhealthy. Can Lizabeth find an affordable solution , or will the Snowfall Ranch plummet down hill?…