Basically, this is just gonna be a bunch of stuff that I don't want to put on my message board or can't because pictures are a thing Mostly tags, polls, memes that kind of thing…
Basically, this is just gonna be a bunch of stuff that I don't want to put on my message board or can't because pictures are a thing Mostly tags, polls, memes that kind of thing…
"It doesn't matter if you arrest me, I'll escape within two hours," - SuruCaramel has been alone ever since her mother was murdered and her farther became an alcoholic.Until she met Rose that is...Now the two run around the land arresting lawbreakers and earning money from the kingdomRose hated her lifeShe hated her school she hated her town and most of all,She hated her parents So she ran away and never looked back.Suru Isn't afraid of the lawEven though he's been arrested so many times he has scars around his wrists.But he doesn't careHe knows something nobody else doesHis mother didn't have a fatal run in with a monster,She was murdered.This is in the fairy tail universe however there will only be a few mentions of any canon characters Thank you picrew for the pictures And thank you @MetallicBerry41 (my sister) for letting me us Rose and Caramel, they are very plus ultra.TELL ME IF I MAKE GRAMMAR MISTAKES I NEED IT PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOUAh I did not make any art if I did it'll be on paper with @zips on it Ok? Ok!…
* awkward fingerguns*…
So pretty much this is gonna be where we talk about our dreams so we don't forget them and also why notHere goes nothing…