Anime One-shots ❤
Feel free to make requests if you want but if I haven't seen the Anime I probably won't do it I'm not sure how much I'll update on this as I am a lazy shit. I also take some time thinking of ideas! Animes I've done Oneshots for so farBleachFree!Black ButlerAssassination ClassroomOuran high school host clubTonari no Seki-KunYuri on ice!Monster MusumeRWBYOsomatsu-san Miss Kobayashi's Dragon maidThe disastrous life of Saiki KPrison SchoolMekakuCity ActorsAttack on TitanInterviews with Monster GirlsOne punch manPersona 5My Hero AcademiaKimi Ni TodokeMonthly Girls' Nozaki-KunNekoparaYuru YuriFruits Basket…