The Ramblings of an Indian Time Traveller.
WRITTEN BY VAISHNAVI AYYAGARI.In the 19th century, Indian society was very much uneducated when it came to science and the superstitions that were linked to the various aspects of the subject. Women didn't know what exactly periods were and why they occured. They felt that it was a curse since they weren't allowed to visit temples or gossip with other women about how the neighbour's daughter stood up to her mother or about how the other neighbour's daughter eloped with a low - life. Fast forward to 200 years later, the society is slowly developing but the conditions in the rural areas still remain the same. Radhika Ayyer is an NGO and is hell bent to change the circumstances of the rural areas of the country. On the other hand, her family is hell bent on getting her married immediately, claiming that it had been too late already. What she didn't expect was being offered a beautiful ring and waking up to find herself back in time, 200 years ago.Follow her on this journey where she tries to change the minds of the narrow-minded women and men of the Bharat Varsh and maybe, somehow, find her perfect match.All rights reserved.|Copyright © 2019| WhiterWriter208|…