The world is divided into two categories of individuals: those who believe that destiny is preordained and those who believe they can shape their own path. Lianne identifies with the latter group. However, growing up in the dazzling light of Lys, she discovers that light can both illuminate and blind. Her destiny appears to have been written even before her birth, but she steadfastly dedicates herself to defending her faction and the people she holds dear from the darkness of Suarì.Throughout this struggle, Lianne confronts the intricate truths of life: love can be deceptive, lies may conceal profound realities, and there exists a fundamental difference between those who strive to live and those who merely survive. Amidst the chaos of emotions and fragments of lost life, Lianne finds herself torn between conflicting sentiments and enduring challenges.The question she faces is whether she will succeed in saving her people from an uncertain fate and bringing clarity to the darkness enveloping their world. Rising is a gripping tale that delves into the conflict between preordained destiny and individual will, unveiling the hidden secrets in what seems to be a flawless world and testing the strength and courage of a passionate woman.…