E S C A P E • R O A D
The dark wind blows, quietly at nightto avoid being heard,to avoid being seen. It wavers over it prey, bringing trauma along with it, causing a wave of destruction to the lives it touches. The dark wind blows, quietly at nightcarefully picking out his victims, the weak minded, the broken, the fragile, the innocent, the traumatized, the ones stripped naked by the world and left in disgrace. Once it's prey is chosen, they are consumed,forced to relive whatever pain they were running from, forced to accept what has happened to them, leaving room for only one more thing: to run. The preys run, hoping to escape the dark wind. Hoping it never seeks them for eternity. The dark wind washes over Cora Hardaway and Keon Pail the most. It's weakest victims, forced to submit to it. Hopefully, they find an escape road.…