How To Love (Spicyhoney)
After accidently getting caught in Underfell by his counterpart, Carrot trys to reform Edge and teach him to be a better brother. Can he do it and more?…
After accidently getting caught in Underfell by his counterpart, Carrot trys to reform Edge and teach him to be a better brother. Can he do it and more?…
Dust and Killer never meant to have a kid, but one time is all it takes. Now it's the matter of what to do with her so nobody finds out?…
Sans. He's weak, right?A waste of time, right?That's what Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys believe....But what if they find out they are wrong?…
What if Sans only got Papyrus away from Gaster? What would happen if Alphys found him trapped years later? Can they teach him to be a normal monster, or will he forever remain a weapon?…
In this world, there are three kinds of people. The law, the outlaws, and the Undecided. Most monster outlaws are street racers, being adopted into a monster family you became one too. One thing everyone in the street racing business knows? Respect The Ghost. He is the father of street racing, yet nobody knows who he is. That is why he is called Ghost. When you meet an Undecided monster named Sans though, well.. he may not be as Undecided as he seems.…
Blueberry lived a Star Sans and died one. Then he was reborn the son of one of his enemies.…
Outcodes. They were creatures Error created as a means to keep him from being lonely in the Anti-Void. They are weak and can be killed easily since they don't have souls. To Error, they were merely pawns.. until he creates you. You are different from the others he's made and he wants to know why.…
He went blind in a freak accident at the lab. Now all he 'sees' is darkness. Until.. he meets you.…
They think I'm like them. They think I'm rich with a happy home life. They think I'm happy.. they are wrong. Blue has been friends with Ink and Dream for years. They went to the same elementary school, the same middle school, the same high school, and now the same college. He puts on the same fake smile, pretending his life was just as perfect as theirs. Then he meets them. The street boys that everyone in college fears. But are they really THAT bad?…
Image a world where there was no war. Toriel and Asgore never divorced. Gaster never fell into the void. The genocides never happened. Everyone is happy. That is this world. Gaster is a top scientist in the human government, helping improve the world. Alphys and Sans are his assistants. Asgore, mayor of Ebott and Toriel a teacher. Frisk, Chara, and Asriel their beloved, not dead or murderous kids. Undyne is the chief of police and Papyrus is her lieutenant. Everything is perfect..…
Skeletons are a rare and fickle species. Their marriage has been arranged since they were born. Will they stay together or will other sources tear them apart?…
"It was an attempt to get rid of the worst. A thing that kept us in an endless reset. I can never be whole again, or it will be free."Akhera Evans finally finished school and got a job at the local assisted living center. Her first patient? Sans, a vegetative skeleton, who hasn't moved or spoke since monsters were freed from their prison 3 years prior. So why does he twitch when she's around?…
Soul degrade. A fatal disease few monsters have suffered from. Those who were born with it, die around the age of 5. Gaster never used the determination experiments to torture Sans.. he did it in an attempt to save him.…
LV. LOVE. Level Of ViolencE. What happens to Sans' LV every time the world resets? He's killed the human more times than most would care to count.. so where does it go?…
Dust HATES humans. Dust barely LIKES anyone. When the Bad Sanses are forced to guard a young goddess, Dust gets stuck alone with the child.…
So.. first off.. I got to thinking.. what would it be like if Sans had Dissociative Identity Disorder? Then this idea.. this plot came to mind. I AM aware this isn't how DID works, but just bear with me please!…
Once upon a time ago, two beings were supposed to wed. They hated each other. So they were cast into punishment together in hopes of getting them together. One only wanted a home. The other wants to make him miserable. These beings are Sans and Fate.…
Wanna know more about Feraltale, Feralfell, and Feralswap? Get your answers here!…
You always knew you were different from the other kids. You knew things the others could never remember. Like how sometimes monsters were on the surface and they disappear just as quickly. You want to get down to the bottom of it and fall down. Ready to learn things you never knew about yourself?…
What if Asgore knew that Sans was a weapon built by the scientist before Alphys? What if Frisk couldn't fix the gap between humans and monsters? What does Protocol Soldier Boy mean to them?Plenty of cursing and some violence. That's really all my stories ever are.…