Red Shadow
Lyn and Jason have been the best of friends ever since the bat saved her from the League of Assassins. With a little help from the bat fam and their close friends, the duo has been pushed together even more so that they don't even know the extent of their relationship anymore. Love is a roller coaster and these two just so happened to have stumbled upon that. How will they get through the experiences, the fights, the villains? Find out in Red Shadow!RATING: Mature/Slight R (Damn it Kiiki >_< I thought I was the pervert XD)Explicit language, sex references, mature themes/concepts, child torture, torture in general, trigger warnings, fight scenes, lots of fucking blood...DISCLAIMER- NEITHER KIIKI, SKYLAR, RAVER, OR LYN OWN BATMAN, ROBIN, THE BAT FAMILY, OR ANY OF THE DC UNIVERSE!We only own Lyn Bluemark, Kiiki Royale, and Raver Grayson who are OC's for this writing and the storyline.THIS IS A JASON TODD X OC (Lyn Bluemark) Fanfiction if you were wondering!!!CAUTION!: Contains mild language and some references to things that might not be appropriate *cough cough* Kiiki *cough cough* Cover was made by Lyn! @ShadowhuntertwinProps to me, @Kiiki1337 @Shadowhuntertwin and @RaverGrayson for coming up with this storyline! Hope you enjoy!!!…