Collision of the Truth
On a journey to Mistica Island, a threat awakens, and because of the actions of Ash, he was taken captive. It's up to Gou, Pikachu, and Scorbunny to save Ash, but as time ticks, there's a threat lurking around that can change the fate of Ash Ketchum forever. ~🎆~The cover art was done by me, but no characters belong to me (obvious characters) and other characters that do not belong to the Pokemon company belong to me. Please do not copy this story, it is okay to be inspired BUT to copy is not okay.!! THERE ARE NO SHIPS IN THIS BOOK !!Take it as you will, if you think it's Pokeshipping or not, but in terms of shipping there are NO ships, so please don't go in the comment section saying stuff like "wHy Is MiStY wItH aSh?!!"…