Family Beyond Species [Avatar The Way of Water]
[I've been randomly inspired to make an Avatar fic, but instead of a Navi OC it's a human OC who has the ability to breathe the air of Pandora like the Navi with a few abilities as well. Story graphics by FollowTheLeader]The Sky People at Hell's Gate many years ago had many various attempts to make it easier to breath the air on Pandora like the Navi, one of their ideas was to make a genetic makeup where humans could breath the air with easeDespite the dangers of Cryo Freezing infants, they brought an orphan baby girl to the planet to experiment on, the project itself was more in the background not many scientists knew of which included of the ones who didn't know Doctor Grace AugustineYears later after the war against the Navi and the Sky People which left only a select trusted humans to stay and the rest back to their dying planet, the experiment girl was left in an abandoned and decaying part of the lab she knewOne day the glass had shattered away and it gave her the strength to finally leave the familiar labShe meets a heavily pregnant Netryi who was out hunting who's both wary of the human child but curious how she could breathe with easeAfter a sign from Ewya, Netryi reluctantly brings the child back to the villageTime passes after her discovery and she is the second adopted child of Jake and Netryi of the four children with one of their four also being adoptedBut with the return of the Sky People, a once dead enemy back forcing the Sully's to leave their village to protect their people they find themselves in a Reef Navi VillageNow trying to adjust to the new lives to the village with the Sky People looking for them, just how can fate get for the Sully family?…