I'm Drawn to Art 2.0- A quest to find meme-ing
There will be good memes and questionable art. Enticed?…
There will be good memes and questionable art. Enticed?…
Hello, all 3 people who may be clicking on this out of sheer boredom! (I love you \_T-T_/) ˜Now, what do you do when all of a sudden a bunch of people start following you and you have no idea why (other than your sparkling personality of course ;3 honhonhon) because you have zipity zero works but you want to do SOMETHING to not feel like trash. Some may say, "Oh wonderful Bob just write a story!" Ah ha! Genius, except for the fact I am a perfectionist procrastinator with a busy schedule. Hence, although I may have elaborate worlds created from my mind, with characters I cherish more than pizza, that is a no go. So! Here I am laying out all my horrific doodles with complementary art puns at the end of each chapter. Enjoy my muffins! (or not˜tis understandable) *backflips away*.*pause backflip mid-air* ALSO ALL MY BAD ART IS IN THE BEGINNING SO IF YA STICK TROUGH IT I'LL TRY TO GET BETTER *unpause* BUT NO PROOOOMMIIISSEEESSSS…