Project Atechna
Synopsis: Two worlds, one destiny. The story follows a 20-year-old mermaid named Dawn who constantly fantasizes about the perfect partner. Being the only mermaid survivor left in Gala, other than her mother, it's impossible for her to meet anyone. However, on a quiet and ordinary night, adventure strikes as an enormous light illuminates from miles away in the distance. Upon searching for the origin of the mysterious light, a wreckage is found with debris all over. Unable to control her thirst for answers, she dives into the endless piles of wreckage. In doing so leads Dawn to discover a helpless mermaid trapped under the debris and falls in love instantly. Determined to free her newfound crush, Dawn struggles through all odds to save her.However, the question still remains... Where did this mermaid come from? How did she end up all the way out in the Forbidden Zone? What could have caused this enormous wreckage??Project: Atechna is a mix of sci-fi, fantasy, romance, comedy, adventure, and thrill. Cover made by: @AFleetingDream_91@copyright2020…