Ryan Everfrost
A story I wrote some years ago and never quite finished. Perhaps posting it will motivate me to write more. Hey, I didn't ask to be anything special. But now, waking up in this ridiculous school, it appears as if that's exactly what I am: special. And not in the cutsey-buttons "you're a special little snowflake" kind of way. More like a "you're a mutant freak and we don't know what to do with you" kind of special.Plus I can't remember any dang thing, so I'm kind of useless. And I'm pretty sure my wings don't even work, which is just dumb.The Institute found me.Things start to get even weirder, with voices inside my head, a magical kingdom in the sky, and fierce, pink killer bees. Seriously. Don't mess with the bees.This is my story, as weird as it seems. Hopefully some good comes out of it.…