Meet Edouard, a young man you don't know. You need to go to Achymadia, Horriton to see this young guy. You will know and find him as your friend. But the question is, are you willing to read his story?Or just neglect it right away?…
Meet Edouard, a young man you don't know. You need to go to Achymadia, Horriton to see this young guy. You will know and find him as your friend. But the question is, are you willing to read his story?Or just neglect it right away?…
Volume OneONCE UPON A REAL TIME SERIES Everyone has their valued things, job, love, faith and money. Somehow this woman, Olivia McCain, values family especially her father. When she went to England to have a holiday, she was dropped off by the taxi driver to the wrong house with shattered windows. Olivia came inside the house and saw the awful surroundings; stripped wallpapers, scattered papers, unopened boxes and broken images. She breathe and carefully picked up a picture from the floor until she heard a loud scream...Starring: Asa Butterfield, Elle Fanning, Ross Lynch and Amandla Stenberg <<~>>Olivia McCain : fun-loving woman who grew up in Indonesia and went to London to visit her boyfriend, Timothy. She believes that love cures when a person found her or his own beloved but when she met somebody who's broken, she would like to find a way to cure the shattered heart. Who's this guy? Was he broken or been brought up with a abusive environment? Was he suffered from any kind of illness? Find out how Olivia turns the man's frosty life into a life that love subsides. Be aware that wrong grammar and spelling mistakes are NORMAL. I have to edit this after completing this book. Thank you. Ranking : #17 - UK [20/02/19]©2019, Sapphire Garton…
For the poetry contest…
Quotations and lessons for your life and your faith. Free poems!…