Death Train
In the chaotic aftermath of World War 3, where Zenith's iron grip on power has shattered the world, Elly's life is reduced to rubble. With nothing left to lose, she is plucked from the brink of despair by old friends. Little does she know, her journey is far from a return to normalcy.As she embarks on her path to recovery, a web of secrets and lies begins to unravel before her eyes. Elly discovers a world she never imagined - a world of heart-pounding action, passionate love, insidious betrayal, and shocking deceptions. The Rebellion emerges, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times, revealing hidden truths and hidden agendas.With every revelation, Elly's reality shatters, leaving her to question everything she once held dear. She must navigate this harsh, unforgiving world and make impossible choices. Will she find the strength to survive, or will the weight of the truth and the consequences of betrayal come crashing down, threatening to consume her whole existence? In a world teetering on the brink, Elly's journey is an electrifying, heart-pounding odyssey through a landscape of action, love, and treacherous secrets.***First Place - The November Awards - Adventure/Action genre…