Book Covers + Banners 4 [closed]
[ ] Open [x]Closedpermanently closed, thank you for all the support for these years x…
[ ] Open [x]Closedpermanently closed, thank you for all the support for these years x…
{ } open {X}closed>>please proceed to the fourth book<< Style: minimalisticExpected time: 1-4 daysSpecial features: Pre-made covers, story ideas and banners, advertising your summariesOur covers are made with lots of love, two scoops of creativity, a pinch of personality and large spoons of hard work :)…
{ } Open {X} ClosedREQUESTS ARE FULL. PLEASE PROCEED TO FOURTH BOOK Welcome to our brand new book covers book with new designs, new styles and more of you :)Style: minimalistic / manipulatedExpected time: 1-4 daysSpecial features: Premade covers, story ideas and promoting your summaries…
[ ]Open [X]ClosedOur third book, your number one experience ;)…