Jung Stella is a young girl about to start high school at the prestigious boarding school Sakura High. She soon comes to realize that there is a rivalry going on within the school. Girls verses Boys, Phoenixes Verses Dragons. With the help of her friends, Stella has to find a way to get rid of the system. What she doesn't realize is that there is more going on than she realizes. On top of all of that she soon starts to gain feelings for the leader of the Dragons. Will she be able to express her true feelings without causing an uproar? Or will she ignore them all together?Toudu Hibiki is the leader of the Dragons and is going into his second year of high school. He is also more of a bad boy then most people realize. Throughout the rivalry he realize that the two sides need to work together. But when he needs to take on a bigger responsibility things start to get complicated and he will need to choose what is more important to him. Will he return Stella's feelings? Will he choose to take on the responsibility? Or will things remain as they were?"Expect the unexpected"…