MURKY BRANDS ; w. potter and m. black
WARNINGS ➳ Allusions to dubious behaviors and a graphic depiction of death. If this will pose any sort of danger to your mental wellbeing, please prioritize yourself and click away.Throughout the story, there will be overall themes of violence, war, and mental health issues; if these could be at all triggering to you, please prioritize your own wellbeing.DISCLAIMER ➳ The author lays no claim to the Harry Potter series, and any references to characters and events thereof are strictly for the purpose of derivative and transformative work.Any opinions expressed in the work do not necessarily correspond with the author's own beliefs.COPYRIGHT ➳ Any and all references to characters and their ancestry not part of the original work are the sole intellectual property of the author, and as such retain copyright protections with regards to distribution, use, creation and modification. (In other words, don't plagiarize.)All images used in relation to this work belong to their original owners, but the way in which they have been used by the author - character art, cover art, et cetera - belong to them.NOTE ➳ Four years and four days after the first iteration of this story was published, a much protracted, complete version makes its debut.(Feel free to ask me what it was going to be, though. I had so many ideas that I will talk about forever, even if I will never write them (in this context).)© Practical_Thinker 2024…