Pippy Hamilton Nice's Backstory
Backstory of OC's for Roleplay…
Backstory of OC's for Roleplay…
Part 2 from my "Historical Adoption AU Roleplay," book. This is a couple years later. Anyone can join.…
Yandere Fantasy/Medeival AU…
200 years ago,a poetic cook & an lady on waiting was beheaded for being protestant. History is certainly different. (Hamilton & Six roleplay)…
Historical figures are in modern time period & kids are orphans.…
This is a roleplay based on Charlie & the Chocolate Factory that includes murder & people dying. Enter & roleplay at your own risk.…
Hamilton & Six characters react to both of their musicals. There will be some shipping involved.Started on January 22,2020…
Mary Tudor vs Alexei Romanov for Pippy Hamilton Nice's heart. (Pippy is my OC & this is an Roleplay. )…
Katherine Howard,Mary Tudor,Edward Tudor,Elizabeth Tudor & Janie Grey have all died. However, they all find themselves looking down & finding a baby boy who is the only one who can see him on January 22nd,1782. His name was Philip Hamilton. Meanwhile Anastasia & Alexei Romanov have time traveled unto the day of January 23rd,1785 where they are invisible to everyone except for a baby girl named Pippy Nice.…
Historical figures as yanderes & senpais.…
Thought I do something different from most Philip x Reader with a yandere scene. This is for all readers who want to read this so if you're straight,gay,bi or pan . . . Read this plz. This is for all genders(girl,boy,trans genderfluid). Just thought I told you so you don't feel left out. Hamilton don't belong to moi.…
Basically a bunch of historical people shipped together. I won't do the people that are currently alive for reasons. I will also bring historical OCs into this as well. It's kinda like a one shot book but you also get to roleplay! You get to choose the ship & the prompt if you have one.…
It's a Roleplay with a bunch of historical people reincarnated,including Hamilton,Hamilton Kids,Six,Six Kids & Anastasia!…
Alexei Romanov x Pippy Hamilton Nice vs Mary Tudor/Aragon x Pippy Hamilton Nice (Pippy Hamilton Nice belongs to me,everyone else belongs to their respective owners.)…
3 love triangles:ElisWard vs TatiWard PhilAry vs KitLip LizzXei vs Alexei x Mystery Person…
None of this is historically accurate & everyone is reincarnated. There will be some LGBT.-Philip Hamilton is a Bisexual Trans (FtM)-Pippy Hamilton Nice is a Pansexual Non-binary -Luanne Nice is Asexual Angie Hamilton is a Lesbian-Frances Laurens is an Genderfluid Ace-Georges de Washington Lafayette is Gay-Susan Reynolds is Panromantic-Lizzie Boleyn is Asexual -Edward Seymour is Bisexual No one belongs to me except Pip Hamilton Nice & Jerry Mulligan.…
Anne Boleyn & Katherine Howard had the same ending to 2 similar but not exact stories: Beheaded.Regina George was once the most popular girl at North Shore High School . . . until Cady Heron ruined it all for her before Regina herself got hit by a bus which resulted her death.Jason Dean,also known as JD attempted to blow up the school but he ended up blowing up himself.Now they have a second shot at life because someone raised them up the grave with one other person who will change their lives forever.And that boy . . . is Philip Hamilton.…